Quiet Quitting? Should you do it?

by K B , updated on August 29, 2022

So you’re feeling undervalued, underwhelmed, underpaid and under-excited at work?

Should you quietly quit, though?

The idea of quiet quitting has taken off like wildfire.

If you don’t know the term, you’ll still have an ah ha moment when you know the symptoms.


You clock watch.

You do just enough – but no more.

You zone out on zoom calls.

You don’t ever answer an email after hours.

You’ve checked in. But you’re also checked out.

But should you?

The idea of quiet quitting is not a new idea.

HR professionals measure employee engagement constantly. They say one indicator of how much you love your job as being “discretionary effort” – the stuff you do without being asked to do it.

So on Career Care Package today we’re talking about the idea of quiet quitting as a career management strategy.

And the discussion will start off like this…..

You’ve mentally checked out.

You’ve quietly quit.

But is this really the best way to gain job satisfaction?

If you’re determined to quietly quit, can you make it work for you that sets you up for something great? And if underneath the cynicism you really want to make a difference and you don’t want to quietly quit, how can you regain your mojo.

We’ve not quit.

We’re looking forward to having a great discussion at 5.30 pm, 30/8 Melbourne time.

Watch us live and or the replay on YouTube here.


Karalyn is the Founder of InterviewIQ and chief champion for all her clients. Get personal coaching to make 2023 your most successful year yet. Check out our job search booster services here>>Give me smarter ways to find a job .

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