How to respond to a job rejection email [Exact words to use]

by K B , updated on September 26, 2021

Rejection on the job front really sucks, right?

Especially when you get the “thanks but no thanks” automatic rejection email reply.

You’ve put in all that effort, and nobody’s even looked at your application!

There’s a lot of talk in mindset management circles to think of “rejection as redirection” which is all true, and a great mindset to have.

But not so many people give you the exact words to use when you have been rejected.

So the good news is now you’re in luck.

In this video, we show you the exact wording one smart job seeker used to turn a rejection email into an invitation to the next stage of the recruitment process. Click on the time stamp at 5:15 minutes in to get the exact wording.

This email template is a resource that comes directly from our Cards Against Insanity job search card game.

We also discuss how to turn around your mindset and a whole host of other tips to help you stay positive on the job front.

The “reject the recruiter’s rejection” email template we talk about is just one of the 21 EXTRA tools we give you as part of our #CardsAgainstInsanity game – to stop you going mad on the job hunt.

Check out and buy the Cards Against Insanity here.

With the Cards Against Insanity – you’ll get 47 fresh ideas, and ways to boost your mindset and grow your network.

Plus like you see in the video, we also do a live Q&A every Friday on our broadcast #CareerCarePackage – where we answer any questions you may have.

So stop getting cranky.

We’ve just give you an amazing way to redirect the reject and put yourself in the running to get a great new job.



Karalyn is the Founder of InterviewIQ and chief champion for all her clients. Get personal coaching to make 2023 your most successful year yet. Check out our job search booster services here>>Give me smarter ways to find a job .

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