Meet Team IQ
Meet Karalyn Brown
Karalyn Brown is the Founder of InterviewIQ.

Photo: Karalyn Brown – Licensed under Creative Commons
She engages people on topics around careers, people, HR and management. She has written for the Australian, the Sydney Morning Herald, CareerOne, Management Today, Recruiter Daily, Recruitment Extra and HR Leader. Karalyn has featured on ABC news, Sky News in The Daily Telegraph, The Age, Anthill Online,Voyeur Magazine, and Latte Magazine. She has also co-authored a book: What do employers really want? and regularly talks jobs and how to find one on abc radio with Tony Delroy.
Karalyn has headed up recruitment practices in the private sector and the managed the recruiting team for a large NSW government utility. She’s also sat on private and public sector interview panels as an independent and assessed as an expert in several assessment centres.
Over the past 10 years, as Founder of InterviewIQ, Karalyn has helped hundreds of people find jobs. Her clients are from all over the world and have come from the senior levels of all professions and for the past ten year’s she’s pioneered the use of social media as an innovative and online branding tool.
Born in Melbourne, in the seaside suburb of Sandringham, Karalyn commenced her career graduating with distinction with a degree in Land Surveying (of all things!) and was one of only two women in her year to graduate.
After working for two years in Albury/Wodonga she decided she preferred talking to people rather than trees and decided to travel abroad and embarked on a process of experimentation and change frequently through writing (see articles published in the Australian here that saw her transform her career into recruitment, human resources and career coaching.
Meet Deborah Barit – “Interview Coach Extraordinaire”
Deborah Barit is a Sydney based trainer consultant author, and Director of Impressive Interviews. She specialises in training individuals and groups for job interviews. Her clients range from new graduates, professionals, managers and school leavers through to specialist areas such as medical, legal and technical professions.
Her career has included selection and recruitment for public, private and community sectors here and in the UK. Deborah has also worked in the areas of labour market research, evaluating government-funded community programs, Operations Manager of the Australian Government Health Service (HSA) and advised and monitored Commonwealth funded disability employment services.
She holds a Bachelor of Economics Degree from the University of Sydney and a Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations form UTS.
Deborah is a member of the Australian Institute of Training and Development, an Associate of The Australian Employers Network and was a Board Member of TEAM NSW a community based organisation that provided skills training for people who are long term unemployed.