LinkedIn Live Career Care Package #83 Everything you think you know about making change might just be wrong. Unpacking the wonder technique.

by K B , updated on July 15, 2020

The wonder technique…..the name itself sounds great, doesn’t it?

It alone takes some of the anxiety out of making change.

So, what if making a career (or life) change was exciting, not fear-inducing?

The tricky thing about making change is the fear of change is usually buried.

That means often we don’t realise that our reactions or inactions are fear-based. And we’re really terrific at rationalising these things. You might say things like “I’m not qualified”, “I’m not ready”, “I’m not smart at that”, or point out why others need to change, not you.

Today we’re chatting to David Hennessey – who is the developer of the wonder technique, which is a holistic approach to help you make life changes.

David’s story is wonderous in itself.

In the past 10 years, he’s seen three close family members die, been in two separate car accidents and a rock climbing accident that left him unable to work for six months. He moved to another country with three young children, where he did not speak the local language.



In short, he’s the epitome of resilience and a champion of his own technique – which is why we’re talking today.

We’ll be asking all sorts of questions on the wonder technique and some examples of how he’s helped others make change.

Join us, and ask any questions you like.

This episode will be a cracker.


Click on this link at 3pm on July 16 to take you to Naishadh Gadani’s activity tab on LinkedIn.

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Karalyn is the Founder of InterviewIQ and chief champion for all her clients. Get personal coaching to make 2023 your most successful year yet. Check out our job search booster services here>>Give me smarter ways to find a job .

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