Career Care Package #102 “We had no idea if being so open would work” Why languaging our feelings leads to better job search support.

by K B , updated on August 10, 2020

So I’m not sure if languaging is a verb or not, but what I do know is that we don’t have great ways to describe our feelings.

We say “I’m anxious.”

We say “I’m sad.”

We say “I feel depressed.”

And then typically we leave it for the other person to understand exactly what that means.

And often because we’re not that great at dealing with other’s emotional discomfort (or perhaps we’re too self-focused) that’s where the conversation ends.

Why am I mentioning this?

Well, without a fuller description – we’re missing a great opportunity for others to connect with what we’re feeling – be able to better understand that feeling, and help us if they can.

From a job search perspective, this means we miss the opportunity to build a better support network.

So to give you an example here’s how it works for me.

Instead of saying “I feel anxious” I could say:

“I lie awake at night with the same thought spinning around in my head. It’s like a broken record. I try to understand why I feel so crap. I work out solution after solution after solution. Then when I try to go to sleep I wake up 30 minutes after, rinse and repeat.”


I’d suggest it becomes pretty clear what’s going on after that.

Today we have a very special guest on Career Care Package.

Meet Karen Williams.

Karen is a leadership trainer, coach, speaker, and author.

Among the many fascinating things she’s done is facilitate conversations between people who had offended against the law and the victims of those crimes.

Definitely a conversation where languaging is critical.

So come, join in, ask questions and get support.

That’s the reason we love running Career Care Package.


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Karalyn is the Founder of InterviewIQ and chief champion for all her clients. Get personal coaching to make 2023 your most successful year yet. Check out our job search booster services here>>Give me smarter ways to find a job .

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