LinkedIn Live Career Care Package # 91 [Investigation] Just what is the real connection between empathy and career success…

by K B , updated on July 26, 2020

Empathy is an interesting thing, isn’t it?

It sounds like a simple concept. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Imagine what the other person’s world is like, and how that might impact their decisions and behaviour.

Then adjust your response accordingly.

(This, by the way, is my definition – I am sure there are better ones out there).


The thing about empathy is that I think it’s easier to be empathetic when you can relate to the other person’s experience of the world. You may have had the same experiences – upbringing, trauma, setbacks, heartbreaks and the like….

Where it does get challenging, and possibly where it’s even more important to exercise curiosity, is where you haven’t had the same experience.

But can you learn empathy?

Does empathy take different forms?

Can you be kind in deeds but not in words?

Can you even demonstrate empathy and be effective without really understanding the other person?

The demonstration of empathy has strong links to leadership, communication and therefore career success.

This is what we’re going to be talking about today with Daniel Murray.

He’s the CEO of Empathic Consulting.

Join us, if you’re looking for a more satisfying way of showing up in the world.


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Karalyn is the Founder of InterviewIQ and chief champion for all her clients. Get personal coaching to make 2023 your most successful year yet. Check out our job search booster services here>>Give me smarter ways to find a job .

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