LinkedIn Live Career Care Package #88 Fake it until you make it? Let’s investigate the link between your clothes and your confidence.

by K B , updated on July 21, 2020

True confessions.

I love lockdown clothes.

My time has come.

For a few years when I first started my business, I used to work in my pyjamas until about midday.

Now my usual zoom outfit consists of a nice top and yoga pants with hiking boots. That way I can make a quick getaway if I need some fresh air with a walk around the block.

This is me and has always been me – much to the eye-rolling of my more stylish friends.

If given the choice between the newsreader outfit and full corporate rig – I’d do newsreader every day.

However I do recognize the importance of visuals and “corporate uniform”, so to speak.

The first reason being is that we are such visual people, and if we as interviewers see you looking the part we can imagine you in the part and don’t need to constantly make a cognitive leap to think of you in the part.


The second reason, comes down to how you feel when you put a professional outfit on. Despite my neighbour scaring outfit, I know that if I look credible, I feel credible and this can give me a confidence boost to start any meeting.

Our guest on Career Care Package is Jodie Tuckwell-Knight.

She’s the CEO of Ready Set –  a not for profit providing professional attire and pre-interview training to give disadvantaged job seekers the best possible chance of achieving their dreams.

There is lots of blah blah and opinion out there about how important clothes are to your confidence. (I say this knowing I’ve just added to that particular body of “work.”)

So I, for one, really want to dig deep on what Jodie knows about the link between what people wear and their chances of interview success.

If you’d like to find out what Jodie knows – come join us and ask questions.


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Karalyn is the Founder of InterviewIQ and chief champion for all her clients. Get personal coaching to make 2023 your most successful year yet. Check out our job search booster services here>>Give me smarter ways to find a job .

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