Cover letter tips

Cover letters can be tricky. It’s hard to know what to highlight about your skills and experience. Often advertisements are no help. Some are too lengthy. Some are not lengthy enough. Some are obscure.

Many recruiters today will barely look at a cover letter.

Ironically the reason recruiters barely look at cover letters because they will have rarely seen a good cover letter. I know I rarely did in my time as a recruiter.

What that actually means is that a good cover letter will actually stand out. So it’s worthwhile paying attention to what you write.

Below are links to all our most popular posts on cover letter tips. Click on the link below the title to take you directly to the post. You’ll find answers to most of your questions on cover letters. However, if you still have a question you are burning to ask, subscribe to the blog, and ask us a question.

If it all seems too hard, too confusing, and/or too time consuming, you are not alone. That’s why our clients come to us.
Having your cover letter and resume written professionally gives you clarity and saves you time and money. Think of it as an investment into the career that you deserve. For a quote, email –

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10 tips for compelling cover letters

by K B , updated on November 10, 2020