[PODCAST] Why do we procrastinate, even when we know something will be good for us? Learn how to break the habit with productivity expert: Helen Bolger-Harris

by K B , updated on March 17, 2020

OK I admit it.

I can actually procrastinate severely sometimes.

My version of procrastination is regularly putting things I need to do for other people before things I need to do for myself. I find myself saying yes to a request for help, before I stop and think about whether I should do it.


Like most things in life, there’s a positive to this.

I think it makes me a good friend and a generous contributor to other people’s lives (I hope).

However I know there are a few reasons for my procrastination.

The reasons that are easy to admit to are these.

I will procrastinate when I am scared of doing something. Sometimes I am scared of what will happen if I succeed and I create all these obligations.

I’ll also procrastinate when the task ahead of me seems enormous. If it seems too big to start, I’ll start on something else that I know I can do, or is for someone else.

I can see that form of procrastination playing out whenever I have needed to make a start on something big in my business.

The other reason I procrastinate is far more insidious. It’s a type of embedded behaviour that only becomes apparent after you reflect on where you aren’t in your life after 6 months of talking about something you really want to do.

The reason I routinely say yes to too much waaaaay too much, comes down to how I see my worth.

I know I often seek approval through others. So if I say no to someone, my subconscious question is – will they actually approve of me, or like me?

I have been tackling my tendency to delay in a few different ways.

One of the things I have put in place to get me moving in the direction I want is exercise.

I’ve been working off theory that my body itself has a brain.

If I invest in healthy exercise, I’ll have lots of good things pumping through my body. I’ll feel happier. I’ll like myself better (more often). And I’ll say no more often.

Ultimately I’ll become less of a procrastinator.

Has this worked?

Ironically, yes.

It’s worked in an unexpected way. On one of my walks for exercise I met the person I am about to introduce via this podcast.

Meet Helen Bolger-Harris.

Helen is a productivity expert, and works with people to help them gain work life balance.

On our walk we got talking about procrastination. Helen had such amazing things to say on this topic, I thought she’d be a fascinating person to interview on a podcast to help me, and help others break the dreaded procrastination bug.

(If you’re putting off getting your resume or LinkedIn profile in order yes, I am talking directly to you).

Listen to the podcast and you’ll learn:

  • Some of the real reasons we procrastinate (I have only listed a couple).
  • The difference between a reason and an excuse for not doing something
  • How do you know when procrastination is bad?
  • Do deadlines really hold you accountable for doing something?
  • Are there any gender differences in how we procrastinate?
  • Is “feel the fear and do it anyway” a good strategy to beat procrastination?
  • What’s the best way to help someone who procrastinates and should you really try?
  • Our top tips to beat procrastination, personally tried and tested.

So if you’re worried about your procrastination, delay no further. Click here to listen to the podcast.

Find out more about Helen here: www.helenbolgerharris.com




Karalyn is the Founder of InterviewIQ and chief champion for all her clients. Get personal coaching to make 2023 your most successful year yet. Check out our job search booster services here>>Give me smarter ways to find a job .

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