Hey hello,
I am taking a hard break and having an off-grid holiday for four weeks starting on July 4.
I cannot describe how excited I am, so I wont.
I’ll let this giphy do the talking.
Hey hello,
I am taking a hard break and having an off-grid holiday for four weeks starting on July 4.
I cannot describe how excited I am, so I wont.
I’ll let this giphy do the talking.
Do you find yourself constantly tweaking your resume when applying for jobs?
You’re trying to make your CV look absolutely perfect, right?
You’re thinking the more you tailor your CV to the role, the better your chances of being considered?
If you are guilty of this, then you should know that constantly working on your resume is one of the worst pieces of advice you can hear when you’re looking for a job.
Now I have a question for you.
When was the last time you ordered something from a mail-order catalogue?
When was the last time you ordered those magic pills that were promoted in that email?
When was the last time you claimed your inheritance for $100 Billion dollars?
What you’re really saying when you’re solely relying on your resume, is information on paper is the most powerful way to inspire a recruiter to take action.
Now my question to you is this…..
If you’re not getting interviews from constantly refining and sending out your resume, why do you keep relying on it?
So, let’s look at how can you land that perfect job a whole lot faster without the pain of rejection and without the pain of too much ghosting.
LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool.
But how can you use it when searching for jobs?
The advice I am about to give you is about having a powerful profile. But just as important, if not more, it’s about how you use the LinkedIn platform itself.
Here’s a better way to find a job compared to constantly tweaking your CV.
Set a profile up on LinkedIn to help you find those people that can help you find your next role.
Find those people who can give you knowledge about a company or an organization you’re applying to, and knowledge about the market.
Find those people who are happy to pass your resume along and recommend the hiring manager give you a call.
Find those people that will keep you in mind when they hear about an opportunity.
Find those wonderful souls who understand the power of networking and can introduce you to people that will help you.
And when you find that wonderful person that will actually recommend you for a role or pass your resume along to a hiring manager, what the research says is that you’re actually 10 times more likely to be successful in getting that job than if you apply online!
So let me ask you this.
Do you really want to just rely on applying for a job online and keep experiencing the same level of ghosting time and time again?
Or do you want to be the person who gets all those lovely leads from all those lovely people that are looking out for you?
I think you know the answer to that.
So, here are the next steps that I want you to take.
Create an awesome LinkedIn Profile so more people will say yes to connect, and help recruiters find you.
The Straight to Shortlist Challenge helps you set up an amazing Linkedin Profile and helps you build a tribe.
The kind of tribe that has people who will start recommending you for jobs and start sending new job leads.
Watch our video on this topic here:
Is there such a thing as a ‘hidden job market’?
Is it even possible to find jobs before they get advertised?
The answer is an absolute YES!
And this is your lucky day as I’m going to give you my 5-step formula to tap into the hidden job market. The very formula that comes from my Straight to Shortlist Challenge.
In the Straight to Shortlist Challenge, I take my clients through a step-by-step process to set them up with networking techniques, to set up their LinkedIn profile, and to learn how to get 5 meetings with 5 employers in just 5 weeks!
But before I tell you about how to tap into the hidden job market, I want to tell you why it’s so important to have this networking as a key part of your job search strategy. [click to continue…]
I often get asked by people, “How do you connect with people that you don’t know on LinkedIn?”
“How do you connect and ask about a career or a career change?”
“How do you connect and ask about a potential job opportunity?”
Well, if that’s you too, then you’re in luck!
Because I’m going to give you my 4-step formula proven to work hundreds of times with my clients.
By using this formula, note that you won’t get a 100% success rate.
That would be absolutely crazy!
So, it’s a yes to a meeting, a yes to a phone call, and a yes to a Zoom meeting (or coffee).
But first, let me tell you what not to do.
This is an example of a message that I would typically get on LinkedIn, that I would just ignore:
The reason why I ignored them should be obvious.
But I will go through why one by one:
When you write these kinds of messages on LinkedIn, you’ve got to remember that you’re coming into my space.
You don’t want me to do any work at all apart from making a quick decision about whether to say yes or no to what you’re actually asking me.
So, how do you get people you don’t know to respond to you on LinkedIn?
This formula comes straight from my Straight to Shortlist Challenge.
The challenge helps you stop waiting for recruiters – almost the most frustrating thing in your job search.
It helps you tap into the hidden job market and get 5 meetings with 5 employers in 5 weeks!
So, here’s the proven formula:
Do this by telling them how you found them.
I have a real-life example from one of my clients.
Claire wants to change her career from being in finance to working within the mental health industry – either as a Counselor or a Psychologist.
She was thinking about doing some additional training but was unsure about what the market values.
So, she went searching on LinkedIn for people who had a background that suggested they could offer her some real insight into the career move that she wanted to make.
Claire found Jane on LinkedIn.
Now, Jane is a counselor working at the Rochester Wellness Center.
Here’s how Claire implemented my formula:
With this, Jane instantly feels like she’s been selected specifically or personally.
She knows that Claire has actually gone out of her way to find her.
If there’s something within your target’s profile – like something they’ve written, posted, or liked – that you really relate to, tell them.
Tell them how you’ve connected to that bit of information that they’ve put out there.
For Claire, what she said was:
By writing this, she’s showing that she really connects and relates to what Jane says.
And again, Jane knows that she’s been picked out personally.
Give a little brief introduction about yourself.
You should write no more than 2 lines for this.
It just needs to be the bits about yourself that are relevant to the conversation you want to have with them.
So, Claire said this:
Only include what they need to know to understand why you would be reaching out or asking a question.
Remember, you don’t need to include paragraphs, only the relevant bits.
Tell them what you want from that email.
It makes it easy for them to say yes!
So, it’s your call to action for them.
This is what Claire wrote:
Then, she included another little compliment at the end.
Because people respond to people who like them.
What happened from here is Jane answered the email.
And Claire made a wonderful new connection and started a fabulous conversation.
And that’s the 4-step formula!
As I mentioned, I’ve used this formula time and time again on LinkedIn.
And it works between 40% to 60% of the time.
Sometimes people are too busy.
Sometimes you’ve missed the mark.
Sometimes they can’t understand what it is that you want from them or they don’t see the value of networking.
But generally, this approach gets between 40% to 60% rate.
So, I hope you found this helpful!
And I hope you’ll make new LinkedIn connections.
I’ve also talked about my 4-step formula on my Youtube channel:
Switching careers is definitely not one of the easiest things to do.
So, what do you put in your LinkedIn headline if you want to change your career?
I get asked this question a lot, “how do I construct a powerful LinkedIn headline when I want to change my career?”
The LinkedIn headline formula I’m about to give you makes you really stand out because it shows that you’ve done your homework on yourself, and on what’s required for your new role.
Not very many people actually do this!
But before I give you this formula there are a couple of things you need to do first. [click to continue…]
So, you’re looking for tips on how to get hired faster and beat other people?
I’m not going to give you the standard advice you’ll receive from other career experts like how to get your resume in order.
What I’m about to tell you will let you know that constantly tweaking and fixing your CV is not the best advice I can give.
But I will reveal the job search secrets from big data analysis of over 14 Million resumes about the smartest way to search for a job and get to the top of the recruiter’s pile!
You’ll find out how to land a job faster, so you can stop wasting your time sending out hundreds of resumes. [click to continue…]