LinkedIn Live Career Care Package # 64 Find Your Communication Superpowers to Supercharge Your Job Search

by K B , updated on July 6, 2020

So did you know you can use lessons learned from the study of linguistics to supercharge your success rate in finding a job?

What’s linguistics I hear you ask?

Straight to Wikipedia we go….

“Linguistics is the scientific study of language. It involves the analysis of language form, language meaning, and language in context.”


For a much more insightful explanation on how linguistics can supercharge your job search, come join us when we interview a real expert in the field.

Meet Anamika Sharma. 

Anamika is a linguistics expert and entrepreneur.

This will be a fascinating discussion.

We’ll talk about reading between the lines of job advertisements. After you understand the real meaning of words, you’ll better understand what you can actually say to make you stand out.

We’ll also be discussing how to research organisations to understand the values communicated in their language, so you can write with more impact and effectively communicate your fit.

Then we’ll talk on nuances in language in an interview, so you can better understand what is being asked in a question.

In all the advice you’ll receive around job search, nobody to my knowledge has tackled this topic this way.

So come join this fascinating forum.


Click on this link at 3pm today June 22  to take you to Naishadh Gadani’s activity tab on LinkedIn.

If the show does not come up, hit refresh until it does.


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Karalyn is the Founder of InterviewIQ and chief champion for all her clients. Get personal coaching to make 2023 your most successful year yet. Check out our job search booster services here>>Give me smarter ways to find a job .

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