Kool, Kwerky, Kwestioning….. We’ve found the best of the best for you! – by Intern Richie.
Here’s what we found for you thats funny, interesting and clever this week in the HR, Careers and Recruitment blogosphere.
Ask a Manager poses the age old dilemma of what to do when critical personal and work commitments clash. Is there a right or wrong decision?
Its Talent Stupid provides a fascinating physiological explanation of why we all tend to talk more about our negative experiences than the positive ones, and then challenges us to harness our inner salmon and swim against the current!
hrinsomniac has been subjected to one too many bad PowerPoint presentations and she’s not going to take it anymore! If you’re guilty as charged fear not as there is hope for you yet.
Tuttopersona has an interesting take on the age old story of an underdog’s triumph over adversity that might just give long term job seekers some much needed inspiration.
And in keeping with the power of positive thinking, the Ex-Executive tells us that Jacarandas in bloom reminded her how important it is for us to reflect upon the blooms amongst the painful thorns of our workplace past.
Working for Wonka has discovered a YouTube teen rapper and wonders if we are looking at the next Steve Jobs? You might want to introduce yourself because he may just be interviewing you in a year or two!
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