What message does your email send?

by K B , updated on November 8, 2020

Just in case I hadn’t worried you enough already on this blog, here comes another job hunting alert. I am just kidding. This is amusing.

Apparently your email address can send wrong message. And I’m not talking about the ones that start with “pinkfluffyfairyfloss@hotmail.com” (I kid you not – that one belonged to a friend of mine).

ThisĀ  US survey came from the Hunch Blog. They found people with certain emailĀ  addresses appear to have defining characteristics. For example:

  • AOL users are most likely to be overweight women ages 35-64 who have a high school diploma and are spiritual, but not religious. They tend to be politically middle of the road, in a relationship of 10+ years, and have children. AOL users live in the suburbs and haven’t travelled outside their own country. Family is their first priority. AOL users mostly read magazines, have a desktop computer, listen to the radio, and watch TV on 1-3 DVRs in their home. At home, they lounge around in sweats. AOL users are optimistic extroverts who prefer sweet snacks and like working on a team.
  • Gmail users are most likely to be thin young men ages 18-34 who are college-educated and not religious. Like other young Hunch users, they tend to be politically liberal, single (and ready to mingle), and childless. Gmail users live in cities and have travelled to five or more countries. They’re career-focused and plugged in, they mostly read blogs, have an iPhone and laptop, and listen to music via MP3s and computers (but they don’t have a DVR). At home, they lounge around in a t-shirt and jeans. Gmail users prefer salty snacks and are introverted and entrepreneurial. They are optimistic or pessimistic, depending on the situation.
  • Hotmail users are most likely to be young women of average build ages 18-34 (and younger) who have a high school diploma and are not religious. They tend to be politically middle of the road, single, and childless. Hotmail users live in the suburbs, perhaps still with their parents, and have travelled to up to five countries. They mostly read magazines and contemporary fiction, have a laptop, and listen to music via MP3s and computers (but they don’t have a DVR). At home, Hotmail users lounge around in a t-shirt and jeans. They’re introverts who prefer sweet snacks and like working on a team. They consider themselves more pessimistic, but sometimes it depends on the situation.
  • Yahoo! users are most likely to be overweight women ages 18-49 who have a high school diploma and are spiritual, but not religious. They tend to be politically middle of the road, in a relationship of 1-5 years, and have children. Yahoo! users live in the suburbs or in rural areas and haven’t travelled outside their own country. Family is their first priority. They mostly read magazines, are almost equally likely to have a laptop or desktop computer, listen to the radio and cds, and watch TV on 1-2 DVRs in their home. At home, Yahoo! users lounge around in pajamas. They’re extroverts who prefer sweet snacks and like working on a team. Yahoo! users are optimistic or pessimistic, depending on the situation.

The blog’s author suggested that if you’re job hunting with an AOL address, you’re sending the wrong message.

True or not? Personally I’d be more worried about ones that include horoscopes, crystals, dungeon and dragons references or cutsie name variations.


Karalyn is the Founder of InterviewIQ and chief champion for all her clients. Get personal coaching to make 2023 your most successful year yet. Check out our job search booster services here>>Give me smarter ways to find a job .

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Costanza March 27, 2011 at 6:31 pm

Definitely not true!!

I’m not overweight, I have more than a HS diploma, I don’t have kids (and so family gets very little air play in my day), I mostly read newspapers (online) or books, I don’t watch TV, I haven’t worn PJs in over 20 years, am definitely an introvert in its true sense, I avoid sugar whenever I can, and prefer working on my own!! The only bit they got right about me is being optimistic or pessimistic, depending on the situation.

Perhaps I should change email address…

Karalyn March 28, 2011 at 4:37 am

The survey was amusing, wasn’t it! I am not telling anyone I have a Big Pond address – it wasn’t covered but I am sure it says something!

Karalyn Brown (@InterviewIQ) (@InterviewIQ) August 29, 2011 at 5:25 pm

What message does your email send? – http://ow.ly/60y9Y

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