Something better than a holiday?

by K B , updated on November 3, 2020

Is there really anything better than a sun soaked island retreat holiday? Well as the saying goes, a change is as good as a holiday!

What does this really mean though? Sometimes change can be scary, daunting, unnerving and totally exhausting. Last time I checked, holidays were relaxing, fun, adventurous, peaceful and restful. So it led me to ask the question, why is it that someone can come up with this quote and yet most of us find that there is always a reason for not making a change? Why do we find it hard to actually stick to change even when we know that it’s probably the right thing for us to do?

If you are reading this and thinking, yeah, that’s me, then ask yourself one simple question, ‘What is most important to me?’

This will be the first important step for you to determine whether what you are doing or attempting to do in this case, is in fact aligned to your values. Your values are critical to your success in ensuring that when you decide to make a change which you know will enhance your success, fitness, happiness etc, you will stick to it and succeed with results beyond your wildest imagination. This is where the famous quote comes into its own.

We only ever decide to change because something in our lives is not working for us, therefore it does make sense that if we make a change then it will lead to a more fulfilled life. The issue is that some people change, for more money, for a thinner body or for better relationships!. These are general goals and can be to non specific to truly align to our values.

Let me give you a good example of this. For years I struggled with losing 5-10 kilos, I had never been a truly large person but I always seemed to be on a diet,  starting at the gym and generally finding it hard to make a solid commitment to lose the weight and be satisfied. Now, I could argue that if I had been truly happy with myself that I would not have this issue in the first place. I would reply that the two are definitely linked, being happy with self and looking after self go hand in hand. However, I also realised that my goals were not based on my values.

I was not fat, so the motivation was not necessarily going to be there for me day after day, month after month based purely on having a flat stomach and a thin waist. Having said that I was always extremely thrilled to lose a couple of muffin top friends during my dieting regimes. When I looked deep within, what motivated me was actually based on the type of foods I was eating and the moral issues associated with this as well. I became a vegetarian and stopped eating processed foods altogether. I find it much easier to stick to a weight I am comfortable and exercise regularly as my body is healthy and I lots of energy.

It is essential to work out what your true motivation is behind every change you decide to make to give yourself an easier road with sticking to the change. When you have worked out what’s important to you and what you want to change, then look at why you want to change. This will give you your motivation. One thing that I always stress to clients, is that change should never be based on what others want or need from you. Change must be based on values that are your own. It’s not enough want to stop drinking for example, for family members.

Take ownership for the changes that you agree to as well. If you want results, you need to take the time to work out what will work for and what just doesn’t cut it for you. If you keep attracting the same partners for example and can see that under the definition of insanity, you would possible need a straight jacket, then sit up and take notice. If you choose not to change, then you will continue to attract the same partners. However, if you acknowledge that what you have been doing is not serving you, and that you are going to continue getting the same outcomes, change will come a lot more naturally. The desire to change must be owned first. The steps of how to change and what do will come next. You don’t need to be perfect, just try something else.

When you are putting a change in place which is based on your values and it sits well with you, the change will ultimately be better than a holiday because you will be living your life true to yourself. There is nothing more motivating and appealing than that, even if it is daunting and scary and there is not a palm tree or cocktail to be seen, you will end up far happier!

Emma Driscoll

Emma is Owner and Founder of Coaching Combinations, a HR and career development consultancy. for more information.



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