Don’t forget to “prep”your referees before they get contacted by a recruiter

by K B , updated on March 17, 2020

36809004_sMost people know they need references, but I am often surprised how few people actually let their referees know when they may get a call.

This can be critical to your success, particularly if the job comes down to you and a few others.

So here’s what I suggest you do:

  1. Let your referees know that they may receive a call
  2. Tell them what the new job is about
  3. Send them a copy of the CV you’ve used to apply for the role.

This is all important for the following reasons.

Firstly it’s simply good manners.

The last thing you need is an annoyed person speaking on your behalf.

Secondly, it’s annoying for recruiters to have to chase and chase someone down. If you’re referee does not know why someone is calling, they may not give the call the priority it deserves.

Delays in talking to your referee, mean delays for you actually getting the job.

If you send a copy of the advertisement for the job you’re applying for, your referee can speak with more insight on how you’d be suitable for the role.

Speaking with your referee before they get contacted, you get to talk about your interest in the role and why you believe you’re suitable. Again your referee can speak with more authority on your motivations.

Remember, nobody owes you a reference.

So don’t forget to thank your referees, and send them something that shows your appreciation.


Karalyn is the Founder of InterviewIQ and chief champion for all her clients. Get personal coaching to make 2023 your most successful year yet. Check out our job search booster services here>>Give me smarter ways to find a job .

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